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Work effectively with others is essential to your degree progress.
There are numerous policies, requirements, and conditions that you need to be aware of when doing your higher degree research. We understand that this can all be overwhelming as you start your degree, so we have tried to outline the key things you need to know. It is also good to discuss these things with your supervisors and clarify if there are any School or Faculty level requirements. While it is good to know all these policies, requirements, and conditions upfront, you may want to refer back to this page throughout your candidature.
Welcome to your degree and to the next steps in your research career. As this degree is likely to be different from your previous degrees, it is important to familiarise yourself with the process and requirements. It is important that you, and your supervisors, understand what you need to do, including mandatory components. Make sure you use this early time in your degree to discuss and set expectations, as well as setting milestones for your research.
Below you can find the mandatory components, as well as helpful suggestions, for the activities and training to undertake in your first year. There is a lot to do as you get settled in, so we have broken it down into quarters for the first year.
(please contact your School's Postgraduate Coordinator for details)
Doing a Higher Degree by Research should be a great experience. Choosing to do your degree at UNSW means that you have the benefit of having many resources, training providers and support structures available to you to enhance your time here. Make sure you utilise the many opportunities and resources that we have across the whole of UNSW. We have tried to list as many services as we can, but it is always a good idea to ask your supervisors, Postgraduate Coordinator, academics or friends about other opportunities that may be available, especially those offered at the School or Faculty level.
Doing your Higher Degree by Research is exciting, but it is also possible for it to be a stressful time. You are not in this adventure alone, and it is important to ask for help when you need it. While your supervisors and school should be a great support for you, it is important to remember that you can get support from other people. The University has numerous resources and support structures in place to help throughout your candidature. Some of the key contacts and support structures are below.