Stage 2
Maintaining Momentum
Publishing Icon
Publishing & Profile Building
Building a profile requires you to manage where, when, what and how to publish.
What do I need to do?
Build your Profile
Establish an online UNSW Researcher profile
Consider applying for the Development and Research Training Grant (DRTG) Scheme
Familiarise yourself with UNSW's Research Outputs System (ROS)
Contact your UNSW Outreach Librarian
Find out how the Library can support the publication and sharing of your research
ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor iD
What do I need to know?
UNSW HDR Policies, Procedures & Guidelines
Intellectual Property (IP) Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Peer Review - Responsible Peer Review Procedure
Authorship and Resolving Disputes Between Authors Procedure
What else is available?
Build your Profile
Establish an online profile through Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook,
3MT Development Series
Participate in the annual UNSW 3MT Competition
Article: Presenting your research effectively and with confidence
Article: Academic conference tips
Article: Connecting on LinkedIn (Inside Higher Ed)
Development and Research Training Grant (DRTG) Scheme
Shut Up & Write
Leading Icon
Leading & Working with others
Learning Icon
Learning & Teaching